Eight Twenty Five Edition

Disclaimer & Privacy


Opinions may vary outside the town of Daesville
Tuesday, January 28, 2025 E2


Legal Ownership of Work

Work displayed is the personal and professional rendition and collection of Dae Kim. Unless otherwise noted, the use of work if made available for personal or professional application for non and for profit purposes require expressed permission by its respective owner.

The selected works displayed in the gallery and throughout the sections of this site is meant to demonstrate the designer's abilities and style and as a means for establishing but not limited and/or in conjunction with professional resource, portfolio, resume and reference for public transmission. Ownership of the work compiled and presented may belong to the clients, employer and agencies that the designer created the work for unless otherwise stated.


Collection of Data & Information by Our ISP

When you use Mannykin.com, information may be collected but not limited to the following methods:

Website Log - A log is collected by our web server and by our ISP. It tells us referring pages where individuals come and go on our site, traffic density of pages, the length of time users spend in a particular page or content, etc. The log is strictly used to better accommodate our visitors with content, design and functionality.

Cookies - Cookies allow websites to maintain information about the user. They do not read files on your hard drive. Currently, the data and information we collect with cookies is not personally identifiable. We may in the future use cookies to personalize a user's experience of our web site.

Voluntary Communication - Any information, the user supplies are done voluntarily. An individual can request information from Mannykin.com by email and form. Although, email correspondence may be executed from our site, the transmission of information through such method is done through the user's email application. Therefore, information transmitted through emails are not covered by this privacy policy.

Sharing Information and Data

Reasonable effort is made to protect and preserve your privacy. Mannykin.com will not share or distribute your personal information with any third party without that party's explicit approval unless the information and data is required by law or by order of a judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process served to us and/or our website. In such case, Mannykin.com will only share the information that is necessary to legally comply.

Third-Party Web Sites

This privacy policy does not apply to third party and affiliated sites or content accessed through outbound links placed in various pages through out the site. Mannykin.com is not responsible for their privacy policies.


Due to technological limitations, and the risk of unlawful interceptions and accessing of transmissions and/or data, we cannot completely assure you, and you should not expect, that your personally identifiable data and information, and any other electronically communicated information, will be absolutely confidential. You should in all cases exercise judgment when any information is transmitted over the internet.

Your Right to Review & Modify Data & Information You have the right, at any time, to review and/or modify any of your personally identifiable information that you provided through Mannykin.com, or any other voluntarily provided information. To do so, you should send an e-mail to admin at mannykin dot com. We will comply with your request as soon as reasonably possible. To protect your confidentiality, we can only reply by method(s) provided by the user submitted information. We reserve the right to contact former customers or users of the web site from time to time.

Users Under 13

This web site is not directed at children under the age of 13. If you are younger than 13, please do not provide any personally identifiable information in connection with your use of the web site.

Notification of Changes

Periodically, Mannykin.com will update its privacy policy to accommodate additional services provided through the website and also to improve communication of our policy.

Less is not necessarily more. Just enough is more.
Facebook What's with the fire hydrants?